Technology and Internet

EU-Free and Open Source Software Auditing project

Today I stumbled on this blog post about a poll for the EU-FOSSA. I’m not familiarized with all aspects of this pilot project, however by the information I could gather, it seems to be a really great idea.

Most of us regularly use, up to a certain degree, several pieces of free (as in freedom) software on a daily basis. Many of these projects are essential to assure the security of our communications, documents and work. European institutions and countries make use of these tools as well, so why not spend a little time and money to assure they meet certain quality goals and are free of major bugs that can undermine the safety of its users?

This will also raise the public’s trust on these tools, so they can become standards over their proprietary counterparts, which we are unable to review and modify according to our needs, leading to many security questions.

One of its components is a sample review of one open-source project and until the 8th day of July you can give your opinion on which one. Go there it only takes 1 minute and it will help them understand that this is an important issue. Here is the link

By Gonçalo Valério

Software developer and owner of this blog. More in the "about" page.