Python Software Development

So you need to upgrade Django

No matter how much you try to delay and how many reasons you find to postpone, eventually the time comes. You need to update and upgrade your software, your system components, your apps, your dependencies, etc. This happens to all computer users. On some systems, this is an enjoyable experience, on other systems as painful […]

Technology and Internet

Preparing for Hacktoberfest

It already starts tomorrow… the next edition of “Hacktoberfest”. For those who don’t know, it basically is an initiative that incentivizes participants to contribute to open-source software. During the month of October, those who do 4 contributions or more, can either receive a t-shirt or opt for a tree to be planted in their name. […]

Software Development

Documentation done right

One critical piece of the software development process that often gets neglected by companies and also by many open-source projects is explaining how it works and how it can be used to solve the problem in question. Documentation is often lacking and people have an hard time figuring out how they can use or contribute […]

Software Development

Rust examples and exercises

Learning to program in Rust is as easy like other languages out there, because it ends up having different constrains and new concepts that you will have to go through, in the beginning everybody fights the compiler at least a little bit. I started this journey a while ago, however I’ve been progressing slowly just […]

Software Development

Keep your dependencies under check

Nowadays most software projects with a “decent size” rely on many software dependencies, or in other words: libraries and tools, developed by other people. That usually are under constant change. The reasons for these are clear and can go from implementing common patterns and avoid repeating ourselves, to accelerate the development, to use mature implementations […]