One critical piece of the software development process that often gets neglected by companies and also by many open-source projects is explaining how it works and how it can be used to solve the problem in question.
Documentation is often lacking and people have an hard time figuring out how they can use or contribute to a particular piece of software. I think most developers and users have faced this situation at least once.
Looking at it from the other side, it isn’t always easy to pick and share the right information so others can hit the ground running. The fact that not everybody is starting from the same point and have the same goal, makes the job a bit harder.
One approach to solve this problem that I like is Divio’s documentation system.

It splits the problems in 4 areas targeting different stages and needs of the person reading the documentation. Django uses this system and is frequently praised for having great documentation.
From a user point of view it looks solid. You should take a look and apply it on your packages/projects, I surely will.