Hire Me

If any of the points below applies:

  • you are looking for a Python/Rust developer with a strong bias towards security.
  • you are looking for a full-stack web developer with 10 years of experience in Django and other major web frameworks.
  • you need to quickly prototype and iterate on a product or API.
  • you are looking for someone able to tame distributed systems and with knowledge of blockchain technologies.
  • you need to run a base security assessment on your product before or after the production release.
  • collaborating asynchronously and remotely is not a dealbreaker for you.

It is very likely that I will be able to help you. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I will be happy to discuss and eventually work on solutions to the challenges you might be facing. My email address is:

  • gon at ovalerio dot net.

Other contacts can be found in the About page.