
Upgrade your “neo-python” wallets

Several weeks ago I started to explore the NEO ecosystem, for those who are not aware NEO is a blockchain project that just like Ethereum pretends to create the tools and the platform to execute smart-contracts and create new types of decentralized applications. It has its pros and cons just like any other system, but that is outside of the scope of this blog post.

One of the defining characteristics of this “cryptocurrency” is the ability develop those smart-contracts in programming languages the user already is familiar with (however only a small subset of the language is available).

So I searched for the available SDKs and found the neo-python project, which is a wallet software and also a set of tools to develop using the Python programming language. The project is developed by a community of supporters of the NEO ecosystem called City of Zion.

And now the real topic of the post begins, while learning the features and exploring the codebase I found an urgent security issue with the way the wallets were being encrypted by neo-python.

Long story short, the method used to protect the wallets wasn’t correctly implemented and allowed an attacker with access to the wallet file to decrypt it without the need for the password/pass-phrase (more details here) .

Fortunately it is an actively developed project and the team responsible for it was quick to acknowledge the problem and merge the fix I proposed in a pull request. The fix is now present in the newer versions of the project, and it now forces the users to reset the security features of their wallets (check this video for more details, starting on minute 8 up to 10) .

Now in this post I would like to leave my recommendation about how to proceed after re-encrypting the wallet, because even though the issue is fixed your private keys might have been compromised before you applied the patch. If you are a user and didn’t noticed nothing yet the most probable scenario is that you weren’t compromised, since most immediate thing an attacker could/would do is to steal your funds.

Nevertheless, there is always the possibility and to avoid any bad surprises you definitely should:

  1. Properly encrypt your wallet using the  script.
  2. Check the new generated wallet is working properly.
  3. Then delete the old wallet.
  4. Create a new wallet.
  5. Transfer your funds to the new wallet.

The steps 4 and 5 are necessary because the fix protects your master key but it doesn’t change it and as I previously said if a copy of your vulnerable wallet exists (created by you or by an attacker) your funds are still accessible. So don’t forget to go through them.

Other than this, the project is very interesting and while still immature it has been fun the work with it, so I will keep contributing some improvements in the near future.


By Gonçalo Valério

Software developer and owner of this blog. More in the "about" page.

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