A few days ago I noticed that I’ve been working fully remote for more than 2 years. To be sincere this now feels natural to me and not awkward at all, as some might think at the beginning or when they are introduced to the concept. Over this period, even though it was not my […]
Category: Random Bits
There, I said it … and a lot of other people said it before me (here, here, here, here, … and the list goes on and on). Before I proceed with my argument, I would like to say that, slack is great product (even if the client consumes lots of memory) and works very well […]
I’ve been looking into this area, of how to handle and manage a large quantity of secrets and users, for quite a while (old post), because when an organization or infrastructure grow, the number of “secrets” required for authentication and authorization increase as well. Is at this stage that bad practices (that are no more […]
Managing a 100% remote company
This video about Gitlab was posted recently and is a very interesting case-study on how a company can normally function while having all of its employees working remotely.
Before the flood
Yesterday I watched the above documentary on National Geography Channel, it is a good piece of work and it alerts to very pertinent issues, that have been in the agenda for many years/decades. Yet, we haven’t been able to overcome lobbies and established interests, that maintain the status quo and their “money machines” running with […]
Blogs, web feeds and the open web
As I already published before (twice), I’m a big supporter of an “ancient” and practically dead technology, at least as many like to call it, that still can be found in the Internet. It is the RSS, a very useful standard that is one of the foundations for publishing content to the Web in a […]
A long time ago, most of the modern website analytics software made the shift from relying on server logs to use client-side code snippets to gather information about the user, in this last category we can include as examples Google Analytics and Piwik. In fact, this paradigm allows to collect information with greater detail about […]
0 A.D: a pleasant surprise

When I was younger, I remember being a great fan of real-time strategy games, specially those based of history. One of the main reasons I was really happy when I’ve got my first computer, was that from that moment i would be able to play the first “Age of Empires” game, which my dad bought […]
Managing secrets
A few hours ago, I published a small article on Whitesmith’s blog about sharing and managing secrets, inside a software development environment. At first I dig a little into this problem that is very common and later I explain how we are addressing these issues. You can check it through the following link: Managing Secrets […]
Democratizing the Eurozone
Yesterday one of the most influential figures of this year’s European political scene visited Portugal. I was totally unaware of the event but thanks to the reddit’s community I was able to discover the video of the talk given by Yanis Varoufakis at the University of Coimbra. It’s a long video but I can assure […]