
Finding blockchain challenges to learn and practice

With “Blockchain” technologies gaining a certain momentum in the last few years, we have witnessed a spread of different implementations with many variations in several aspects, even tough they are  built over the same principals. This field is not easy to get started with and after taking the time to learn one approach, lets say […]


Creating a NEP5 Token on NEO network

In this post I will try to introduce a way of creating a digital token, that doesn’t rely on the Ethereum network, neither on their ERC20 standard. Other than Ethereum there are several other blockchain implementations that ofter the possibility of running smart-contracts and therefore allowing the creation of new digital tokens. The option that […]

Python Technology and Internet

Django Friday Tips: Adding RSS feeds

Following my previous posts about RSS and its importance for an open web, this week I will try to show how can we add syndication to our websites and other apps built with Django. This post will be divided in two parts. The first one covers the basics: Build an RSS feed based on a […]


Upgrade your “neo-python” wallets

Several weeks ago I started to explore the NEO ecosystem, for those who are not aware NEO is a blockchain project that just like Ethereum pretends to create the tools and the platform to execute smart-contracts and create new types of decentralized applications. It has its pros and cons just like any other system, but […]

Technology and Internet

Decentralized alternatives on the Internet

This post follows a recent discussion about decentralization at the first Madeira Tech Meetup of 2018. I already touched these subjects previously here on the blog a couple of times (for example,  the one about Zeronet and the one about Mastodon), but this time I will try to summarize the key points of the issue […]

Personal Random Bits

Observations on remote work

A few days ago I noticed that I’ve been working fully remote for more than 2 years. To be sincere this now feels natural to me and not awkward at all, as some might think at the beginning or when they are introduced to the concept. Over this period, even though it was not my […]


Getting started with Blockchain and related technologies

Crypto currencies have been at all rage in the last few months, with the price of Bitcoin and other Altcoins skyrocketing and achieving new all time heights. This is very interesting and since there is the idea that the technology supporting all of these coins is revolutionary, some saying it can be used to solve […]

Technology and Internet

Making the most of your dusty Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi was one of those projects that were “godsent” (just like Arduido). A cheap and very small computer that would let the little ones and also older folks learn, explore, prototype and build lots of things that  previously would be inaccessible to many. So in this post I want to give you some tips […]

Random Bits

Slack is not a good fit for community chat

There, I said it … and a lot of other people said it before me (here, here, here, here, … and the list goes on and on). Before I proceed with my argument, I would like to say that, slack is great product (even if the client consumes lots of memory) and works very well […]

Random Bits Technology and Internet

Managing Secrets With Vault

I’ve been looking into this area, of how to handle and manage a large quantity of secrets and users, for quite a while (old post), because when an organization or infrastructure grow, the number of “secrets” required for authentication and authorization increase as well. Is at this stage that bad practices (that are no more […]