
How to work asynchronously

Just watched a talk by Jason Fried (available at the bottom of the post), about how you should take as much care about how your company works, as you take care of your products. More than the actual name or topic of the presentation, what I really liked to see were some of the processes […]

Technology and Internet

Search open tabs in Firefox

A few days ago it was announced that next versions of Firefox will have huge improvements on performance and resource usage. This is great because browsers nowadays consume huge amounts of resources, making it harder for people with olders or weaker machines to use the computer without starting to pulling out their hair. I’m not […]

Software Development

Keep your dependencies under check

Nowadays most software projects with a “decent size” rely on many software dependencies, or in other words: libraries and tools, developed by other people. That usually are under constant change. The reasons for these are clear and can go from implementing common patterns and avoid repeating ourselves, to accelerate the development, to use mature implementations […]



It is almost a decade old, but this documentary film is still worth viewing. It addresses the same issues as the Everything is a remix series (that I also shared in previous posts, here, here and here).

Personal Technology and Internet

Federated Tweets, or Toots

Recently there was been a big fuss about “Mastodon“, an open-source project that is very similar to twitter. The biggest difference is that it is federated. So what it means? It means that it works like “email”, there are several providers (called instances) where you can create an account (you can setup your own server […]

Technology and Internet

The wave of bloated desktop apps

Some time ago I complained about a mindset that was producing a form of “bloated” software (software that uses a disproportionate amount of resources to accomplish “simple” tasks). Later I even posted an example of a popular chat application consuming a ridiculous amount of memory, given the its purpose. One recent example of this phenomenon […]

Random Bits Startups

Managing a 100% remote company

This video about Gitlab was posted recently and is a very interesting case-study on how a company can normally function while having all of its employees working remotely.


Making it in Madeira

Living outside of the big cities or big technology/financial hubs sometimes is the synonym of being left out of everything whats going on and being far away of many opportunities for your own professional development. On these places the ecosystem is vibrant with lots of events and meetups, either focused on networking or to share […]


Starting the “1ppm Challenge”

So certain parts of the world already entered the year 2017 (this system doesn’t sound that great, but I will leave this discussion for another occasion) and we, here in Europe, are making the preparations to start the new year in a few hours. I am not found of those traditional new year resolutions that […]

Random Bits

Before the flood

Yesterday I watched the above documentary on National Geography Channel, it is a good piece of work and it alerts to very pertinent issues, that have been in the agenda for many years/decades. Yet, we haven’t been able to overcome lobbies and established interests, that maintain the status quo and their “money machines” running with […]