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Some content about remote work

If you already have read some of my earlier posts, you will know that I currently work remotely and am part of a team that is spread across a few countries.

For this reason I try to read a lot about the subject, in order to try to continuously the way we work.  On this post I just want to share 2 links (one video and an article) that I think can be very helpful for remote teams, even though they address subjects that are common to everyone.

So here they are:

Documenting Decisions in a Remote Team

This is very important specifically the parts of making sure everyone is in the loop, explicitly communicating the ownership of the decision and keeping a record that can be consulted in the future.

Read on Medium

Building Operating Cadence With Remote Teams

This is a more general presentation where it is explained how things work at Zapier (100% remote team). One good idea from the video that caught my attention is the small “survey” before the meetings, to define the plan and allowing people to get more context before the meeting starts.

Watch the video on Business of Software

By Gonçalo Valério

Software developer and owner of this blog. More in the "about" page.