
Status of old PyPI projects: archived

Since late January, the python package index (PyPI) supports archiving projects/packages. This is, in fact, a very welcome feature, since it clearly tells without any doubt when a package is no longer maintained and will not receive any further updates. It makes it easier for the person looking for packages, to know which ones deserve […]

Python Software Development

Why you shouldn’t remove your package from PyPI

Nowadays most software developed using the Python language relies on external packages (dependencies) to get the job done. Correctly managing this “supply-chain” ends up being very important and having a big impact on the end product. As a developer you should be cautious about the dependencies you include on your project, as I explained in […]

Personal Python

Browsing folders of markdown files

If you are like me, you have a bunch of notes and documents written in markdown spread across many folders. Even the documentation of some projects involving many people is done this way and stored, for example, in a git repository. While it is easy to open the text editor to read these files, it […]