Personal Technology and Internet

Tools I’m thankful for

In the spirit of thanksgiving, even though it isn’t a tradition here where live, and following the same path as some posts I’ve read today, here’s 5 software tools I’m thankful for. (Of course this is not a comprehensive list, but today these are the ones that come to my mind) Syncthing This tool basically […]

Software Development

Documentation done right

One critical piece of the software development process that often gets neglected by companies and also by many open-source projects is explaining how it works and how it can be used to solve the problem in question. Documentation is often lacking and people have an hard time figuring out how they can use or contribute […]


The app I’ve used for the longest period of time

What is the piece of software (app) you have used continuously for the longest period of time? This is an interesting question. More than 2 decades have passed since I’ve got my first computer. Throughout all this time my usage of computers evolved dramatically, most of the software I installed at the time no longer […]


8 useful dev dependencies for django projects

In this post I’m gonna list some very useful tools I often use when developing a Django project. These packages help me improve the development speed, write better code and also find/debug problems faster. So lets start: Black This one is to avoid useless discussions about preferences and taste related to code formatting. Now I […]

Software Development

Keep your dependencies under check

Nowadays most software projects with a “decent size” rely on many software dependencies, or in other words: libraries and tools, developed by other people. That usually are under constant change. The reasons for these are clear and can go from implementing common patterns and avoid repeating ourselves, to accelerate the development, to use mature implementations […]