In today’s post I will introduce a few open-source tools, that can help you improve the security of any of your python projects and detect possible vulnerabilities early on. These tools are quite well known in the python community and used together will provide you with great feedback about common issues and pitfalls. Safety and […]
Category: Python
Following my previous posts about RSS and its importance for an open web, this week I will try to show how can we add syndication to our websites and other apps built with Django. This post will be divided in two parts. The first one covers the basics: Build an RSS feed based on a […]
Django Friday Tips: Timezone per user
Adding support for time zones in your website, in order to allow its users to work using their own timezone is a “must” nowadays. So in this post I’m gonna try to show you how to implement a simple version of it. Even though Django’s documentation is very good and complete, the only example given […]
One common trouble of people trying to secure their email communications with PGP, is that more often that not the other end doesn’t know how to use these kind of tools. I’ll be honest, at the current state the learning curve is too steep for the common user. This causes a huge deal of trouble […]
Django Friday Tips: Secret Key
One thing that is always generated for you when you start a new django project is the SECRET_KEY string. This value is described in the documentation as: A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. The rule book mandates […]
If you are like me, you have a bunch of notes and documents written in markdown spread across many folders. Even the documentation of some projects involving many people is done this way and stored, for example, in a git repository. While it is easy to open the text editor to read these files, it […]
Security is one of those areas where it is very hard to know if everything is taken care of. So you have been working on this project for a while and you want to deploy it into a production server, there are several settings on this new environment that should differ from your development one. […]
Django Friday Tips: Managing Dependencies
This one is not specific of django but it is very common during the development of any python project. Managing the contents of the requirements.txt file, that sometimes grows uncontrollably can be a mess. One of the root causes is the common work-flow of using virtualenv, install with pip all the required libraries and then […]
Django friday tips: Switch the user model
In the most recent versions of django, you’re no longer attached to the default user model. So unlike what happened some time ago, when you had two models (User and Profile) “linked” together through an one-to-one relationship, nowadays you can extend or substitute the base user model. It is as simples as adding the following […]