
The app I’ve used for the longest period of time

What is the piece of software (app) you have used continuously for the longest period of time? This is an interesting question. More than 2 decades have passed since I’ve got my first computer. Throughout all this time my usage of computers evolved dramatically, most of the software I installed at the time no longer […]

Technology and Internet

Firefox’s DoH, the good, the bad and the ugly

First of all, DoH stands for “DNS over HTTPS”. So last week Mozilla announced that future versions of Firefox will use DoH by default, a decision that at first sight might seem innocuous or even good but thanks to some implementation details it ended up being very controversial. The reaction that followed the announcement on […]

Technology and Internet

Search open tabs in Firefox

A few days ago it was announced that next versions of Firefox will have huge improvements on performance and resource usage. This is great because browsers nowadays consume huge amounts of resources, making it harder for people with olders or weaker machines to use the computer without starting to pulling out their hair. I’m not […]

Technology and Internet

Disable Firefox’s pocket integration

Firefox has been my browser of choice for quite some time now. However recent decisions made by Mozilla are increasing my desire to change soon. They added “ads” on the “new tab page”, changed the UI to just look like chrome, decided to include DRM directly into the browser (more on that), etc. The last […]

Old Posts

Recovering your bookmarks

Some time ago, while cleaning stuff in my computer, I decided to switch my browser to Opera and delete the version of Firefox that I was using at the time. While doing that and removing all the Firefox folders that are left behind, I accidentally erased all my bookmarks and I didn’t had them synced […]