
Are Redis ACL password protections weak?

Earlier this year, I decided to explore Redis functionality a bit more deeply than my typical use-cases would require. Mostly due to curiosity, but also to have better knowledge of this tool in my “tool belt”. Curiously, a few months later, the whole ecosystem started boiling. Now we have Redis, Valkey, Redict, Garnet, and perhaps […]


Security.txt in the wild

A few years ago, I covered here in the blog the “security.txt spec”. A standard place with the security related contacts, designed to help researchers, and other people, find the right contacts to report vulnerabilities and other problems. At the time, I added it to my personal domain, as an example. When I wrote the […]



Some days ago while scrolling my mastodon‘s feed (for those who don’t know it is like Tweeter but instead of being a single website, the whole network is composed by many different entities that interact with each other), I found the following message: To server admins: It is a good practice to provide contact details, […]