Technology and Internet

Disable Firefox’s pocket integration

Firefox has been my browser of choice for quite some time now. However recent decisions made by Mozilla are increasing my desire to change soon. They added “ads” on the “new tab page”, changed the UI to just look like chrome, decided to include DRM directly into the browser (more on that), etc. The last […]

Technology and Internet

Plasma 5

Upon the release of the new version of Kubuntu, I decided to update my Ubuntu machine and move from the rock solid KDE4 to the new Plasma 5 desktop environment. In this post I do a small overview of my experience with it until now. I first started with the version 5.2 since it is […]

Technology and Internet

Please do not let your SSL certificate expire

Please avoid what is happening right now with the student’s platform of my university, that is, letting your SSL certificate expire over the weekend. Initially it will raise suspicion and distrust based on the alert showed by the browser and if the issue lasts too long it will expose lots of users to phishing attacks, […]

Technology and Internet

Lenovo and men in the middle

Another week, another scandal. The general public might pass by without noticing the recent news about Lenovo computers but the tech community in the Internet is incredulous. What we witnessed was serious and a betrayal of the customer confidence, so in this post I will try to briefly cover everything that I’ve read about the […]

Technology and Internet

KDE Connect

The KDE ecosystem is filled with great applications, an awesome DE and great tools to develop computer software. I’ve been a satisfied user for a couple of years and I’m still learning and discovering new features and capabilities of this software collection. The last one was “KDE Connect“, available since 2013 (I’m late to the […]

Technology and Internet

Now running over HTTPS

2014 was a year where we witnessed a huge amount in Internet related security incidents, in the previous years, the world understood that our Internet usage is not only accessible to us and our service providers but to every middleman in the way as well. So it is natural that the recent trend is to […]

Technology and Internet

On buying new hardware

When I was buying my laptop some years ago, I wished I knew of a website with a database of hardware that works well with free software. Specially with any operating system based on Linux, so I wouldn’t get into too much trouble to get everything working. Instead I ended up purchasing a machine that […]

Technology and Internet

The Web We Lost

The Web We Lost, a two years old post with a message that still stands. For those who have an hour to spare, some good points are addressed in the video and in the Q&A afterwards.

Technology and Internet

Enigmail, passphrase issue

This is a short post where I try to explain the steps i followed to fix the behavior of Enigmail on my machine. In the last few weeks i wasn’t able to use any signing and encryption capabilities on my emails due to a problem that showed an unclear error message. I don’t remember the […]

Personal Technology and Internet

Moving to Python 3

A week ago the support period for the last version of Python 2 was extended by 5 years (from 2015 to 2020) and this event just ignited once again the discussion about the fragmentation in the python ecosystem. Some have the opinion that version 2 should have a 2.8 release while others keep saying that […]