Personal Technology and Internet

Moving to Python 3

A week ago the support period for the last version of Python 2 was extended by 5 years (from 2015 to 2020) and this event just ignited once again the discussion about the fragmentation in the python ecosystem. Some have the opinion that version 2 should have a 2.8 release while others keep saying that […]

Technology and Internet

My First Firefox OS App

Recently, I’ve started digging into Mozilla technologies just for curiosity. One of the things that intrigued me more was the concept of the Firefox OS. I wondered how we could make a phone work mainly with web technologies and how the development process works for this kind of operating system. While i was reading documentation […]

Technology and Internet

Django Resources

As I said in earlier posts in this blog, when i build websites or webapps where there are no technology impositions, i usually choose to do it in Python and in most of the cases, that’s the equivalent to say i choose to do it in Django. Over the last year, since i started using […]

Technology and Internet

Improving your online privacy

Following this PRISM thing that’s going on for several weeks now, Internet privacy become a hot topic with extensive discussions and vast amounts of content being written about it (a good thing from my perspective). In this post I will try to sum some tips to improve your privacy and safety while surfing the web. […]

Technology and Internet

Starting out with Meteor.js

For some time now, I’ve this urge to try to build something using meteor.js just for test purposes and to check what i can do with this framework that everybody is talking and writing about. So a few days ago i decided to give it a go, i installed meteor and I have put everything […]

Technology and Internet

Tracking and bubbles everywhere