Technology and Internet

Improving your online privacy: An update

Ten years ago, after it became clear to almost everyone that all our online activity was being tracked and stored, I wrote a blog post about simple steps a person could take to improve their privacy online. Essentially, it contains a few recommendations that everyone could follow to reduce their fingerprint without much effort. It […]

Random Bits Technology and Internet

Managing Secrets With Vault

I’ve been looking into this area, of how to handle and manage a large quantity of secrets and users, for quite a while (old post), because when an organization or infrastructure grow, the number of “secrets” required for authentication and authorization increase as well. Is at this stage that bad practices (that are no more […]

Personal Technology and Internet

Federated Tweets, or Toots

Recently there was been a big fuss about “Mastodon“, an open-source project that is very similar to twitter. The biggest difference is that it is federated. So what it means? It means that it works like “email”, there are several providers (called instances) where you can create an account (you can setup your own server […]

Random Bits Startups

Managing a 100% remote company

This video about Gitlab was posted recently and is a very interesting case-study on how a company can normally function while having all of its employees working remotely.

Random Bits Technology and Internet

Log based analytics are still useful

A long time ago, most of the modern website analytics software made the shift from relying on server logs to use client-side code snippets to gather information about the user, in this last category we can include as examples Google Analytics and Piwik. In fact, this paradigm allows to collect information with greater detail about […]

Random Bits Technology and Internet

Managing secrets

A few hours ago, I published a small article on Whitesmith’s blog about sharing and managing secrets, inside a software development environment. At first I dig a little into this problem that is very common and later I explain how we are addressing these issues. You can check it through the following link: Managing Secrets […]

Technology and Internet

Getting started with GPG

Last week I gave a small workshop during the lunch hour (the famous Whitesmith’s “Lunch’n Learn”) about openPGP. It only covered the most basic aspects so that non-technical people could be introduced to this tool, something that can be very useful when someone is sharing or working with sensitive information (either personal or work related). […]

Technology and Internet


Last week I’ve read a great post entitled “Web Design: The First 100 Years“, it is a long one but definitely worth reading. I will just leave here a quote (3 short paragraphs) because it puts into words something that already crossed my mind multiple times. “A further symptom of our exponential hangover is bloat. […]

Technology and Internet

Now running over HTTPS

2014 was a year where we witnessed a huge amount in Internet related security incidents, in the previous years, the world understood that our Internet usage is not only accessible to us and our service providers but to every middleman in the way as well. So it is natural that the recent trend is to […]

Technology and Internet

The Web We Lost

The Web We Lost, a two years old post with a message that still stands. For those who have an hour to spare, some good points are addressed in the video and in the Q&A afterwards.