Well, this time i bring a video from a TV discussion (on the Portuguese show “Prós e Contras”) where this young man, talks about a new mentality that is needed for the young men and women that finish their college degree and are about to enter the job market. I was surprised because it isn’t […]
Author: Gonçalo Valério
Software developer and owner of this blog. More in the "about" page.
Generators, Decorators and Metaclasses
For some time now, I’ve been trying to improve my python skills and learn a little bit more deeply the how the language works. The objective of this quest is to write more efficient and structured code, because it seems to me that I’m not using the full potential of this programing language. Yesterday i […]
Just try a diferent approach
Nowadays it isn’t easy to get a job here in Portugal, most students stay unemployed for a while when they graduate from college. Most of them simply send curriculum’s to some companies/employers and just wait for someone who needs to approach them. I only wrote this article to show my point of view, the world […]
Simple JSON Parser for Python
Some time ago i started to follow a Blog that weekly proposes some programming exercices and i solved one of their problems (an old one, from 2009) . So today i’m posting here my solution for the problem of this week. Basically they ask us to write a JSON parser in our favorite computer language, […]
Everything is a Remix
Some days ago i found the third episode of a four-part series that explores one vision of how innovation happens and argues that every invention/creation is a mix of older discoveries. In a fantastic work made by Kirby Ferguson, he takes you on a journey through some of great creations of history showing that nothing […]
Light Field Cameras
A new era in digital photography is coming, maybe because the new technology that a startup called Lytro is using to build their cameras. Calling it a “revolution”, they presented to the world a new type of camera and new file format that will allow you to take a shot and refocus latter when you’re […]
The Cloud and our stuff
Everyone who works, studies or likes Computer Science and overall Technology, knows that for sometime now the buzzword on the internet is the “Cloud” and the vision that everything we have in our hard drives will be taken to these big company servers, and we will reach that data through our regular notebook, tablet or […]
Simple Ceaser-Cypher
Some weeks ago i found this website called “Programming Praxis“, where you can find exercices to practice your programming skills. So every week they post a new problem and a possible resolution (it’s better if you only see it after you’ve done yours), and people try to solve and add a comment with their solution […]
Game Graphics: the road done so far
Today i was amazed when i found a trailer of the upcoming “Tomb Raider” video game. It got me thinking about how awesome computer’s 3D graphics are today and how they were when i got my first console. Nowadays i don’t have the time (neither the computer) to play any game but from time to […]
A message to my Portuguese fellows
I know that we are in a deep hole and will be very dificult to get out of it, but we will have to do it. So here is a little message to give you some hope: