Old Posts

The Cloud and our stuff

Everyone who works, studies or likes Computer Science and overall Technology, knows that for sometime now the buzzword on the internet is the “Cloud” and the vision that everything we have in our hard drives will be taken to these big company servers, and we will reach that data through our regular notebook, tablet or […]

Old Posts

Simple Ceaser-Cypher

Some weeks ago i found this website called “Programming Praxis“, where you can find exercices to practice your programming skills. So every week they post a new problem and a possible resolution (it’s better if you only see it after you’ve done yours), and people try to solve and add a comment with their solution […]

Old Posts

Game Graphics: the road done so far

Today i was amazed when i found a trailer of the upcoming “Tomb Raider” video game. It got me thinking about how awesome computer’s 3D graphics are today and how they were when i got my first console. Nowadays i don’t have the time (neither the computer) to play any game but from time to […]

Old Posts

A message to my Portuguese fellows

I know that we are in a deep hole and will be very dificult to get out of it, but we will have to do it. So here is a little message to give you some hope:

Old Posts

Dark Matters, …

… is the name of the animation that i found in while reading today’s posts at Planet Geek. It’s very educational and the creators made a very nice job turning those contents into something understandable for us, common mortals. So for those who think that everything already have been discovered, here it is:

Old Posts

Gulf of Mexico oil spill

While i was surfing on the web i found a video, in a blog post, which was published 3 days ago to remember the environmental disaster that was the last year’s oil spill. It’s a short animation that gathered the estimated amount of oil that went to the sea and tries to split it in […]

Old Posts

E-mails: hours to seconds

I remember those old times when i didn’t know nothing about computer programming and i was a member of the organization of the National Meeting of students of physiotherapy and after a conference about physiotherapy and spine related problems. At that time when we had to send some hundreds or even thousands of emails for […]

Old Posts

When UC website gets confused

Bug or not, this is what happens when i try to access my university’s new website with two common browsers: Both browsers, at the time of the screenshots, were with their latest version and the message doesn’t always appear, that’s why i called it “confusion”. But the fun part is:

Old Posts

Coimbra Startup Weekend: to go or not to go?

It seems to be a nice event and a well spent weekend with lots of things to be learned. I don’t know if i’m the kind of participant they are hoping for or even if i’m ready, but nevertheless i’ll stay tunned for more information.

Old Posts

Teleconferencing: The Kinect Way

Well, i was reading some of my usual blogs and news websites, when i found an article about this new MIT Media Lab project, the same “guys” that brought to us the Sixth Sense idea (this one I posted in my old blog). I first saw the video in this engadged article and it looks […]