
And… the blog is back

You might have noticed that the website has been unavailable during the last week (or a bit longer than that), well, the reason is quite simple: It took sometime but the blog was finally put online again, new content should be flowing in soon. And kids, don’t forget about the backups, because the good old […]


10 years

The first post I published on this blog is now 10 years old. This wasn’t my first website or even the first blog, but it’s the one that stuck for the longest time. The initial goal was to have a place to share anything I might find interesting on the Web, a place that would […]


The app I’ve used for the longest period of time

What is the piece of software (app) you have used continuously for the longest period of time? This is an interesting question. More than 2 decades have passed since I’ve got my first computer. Throughout all this time my usage of computers evolved dramatically, most of the software I installed at the time no longer […]

Personal Random Bits

Observations on remote work

A few days ago I noticed that I’ve been working fully remote for more than 2 years. To be sincere this now feels natural to me and not awkward at all, as some might think at the beginning or when they are introduced to the concept. Over this period, even though it was not my […]

Personal Technology and Internet

Federated Tweets, or Toots

Recently there was been a big fuss about “Mastodon“, an open-source project that is very similar to twitter. The biggest difference is that it is federated. So what it means? It means that it works like “email”, there are several providers (called instances) where you can create an account (you can setup your own server […]


Starting the “1ppm Challenge”

So certain parts of the world already entered the year 2017 (this system doesn’t sound that great, but I will leave this discussion for another occasion) and we, here in Europe, are making the preparations to start the new year in a few hours. I am not found of those traditional new year resolutions that […]

Personal Portugal Technology and Internet

Pixels Camp 2016

A few weeks ago took place in Lisbon the first edition of Pixels Camp (aka Codebits 2.0), an event that I try to attend whenever it happens (see previous posts about it). It is the biggest technology focused event/conference in Portugal with a number of attendees close to 1000. This year the venue changed to […]

Personal Python

Browsing folders of markdown files

If you are like me, you have a bunch of notes and documents written in markdown spread across many folders. Even the documentation of some projects involving many people is done this way and stored, for example, in a git repository. While it is easy to open the text editor to read these files, it […]


3 Months of Remote Work

Three months have passed since I left the office and started working remotely (+1000 km), in this post I share the “pros and cons” of my short experience, even though across the Internet many people already covered this topic extensively. Whitesmith has been “remote friendly” since first day I joined, more recently the company is […]


Getting ready to ruumbleee…

After being absent last year, today I will start my participation in the Rails Rumble event. Together with a teammate we will try to finish a project within the next 48h, using the Ruby and its Ruby on Rails web framework. Personally I enjoy this kind of challenges, even though it’s not guaranteed that we […]